Monday, 28 April 2014

Free workshops for Education and Sport students

Hi all

Just to let you know that my colleagues Adele and Hilary and I will be offering free workshops for Education and Sport students over the next 6 weeks, covering:
  • Beyond DISCOVER
  • Referencing Clinic
  • Getting Started with RefWorks
All sessions will take place in the Group Discussion Room on the ground floor of Bedford Library and details can be found on the What's On? calendar on the library webpages: No need to book.

Hope to see some of you there.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

NICE says needle exchanges should support people who inject steroids

One for those of you looking at the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sport; NICE have just updated their guidelines for needle exchanges, recommending that they support users of steroids as well as their traditional demographic of users of hard drugs, in order to minimise the spread of disease from dirty equipment. You can read their suggestions and some facts and figures about steroid use on their webpages, and Radio 1's Newsbeat have produced a news report on the topic which includes some interviews with users.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Physical inactivity: All-Party Commission recommends a national "action plan" and physical literacy in schools

The All-Party Commission on Physical Activity has just released their report on dealing with physical inactivity and its health impacts across the UK. They make a number of recommendations, including the need for a "National Plan of Action" to tackle physical activity levels across the whole population, and to develop physical literacy within the curriculum in schools. There's lots more in the report itself which can be found here . You might also have seen a report on BBC Breakfast this morning about the recommendations, and several other news outlets have picked up on it - here and here - but make sure you go into the report itself and locate and read the information there (especially that "37 000 preventable deaths" figure) if you're going to use any of it in your work.