Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Why it's OK when academic reading is difficult

I often see students who say they are struggling to understand a book or a journal article, that they can't read it and make sense of it. Often they think it's their own fault, that they're just not "getting it". But that isn't the case at all, and this blog post from the LSE Impact Blog explains really nicely how academic reading is like exploring and making sense of a new landscape. It talks about PhD students, but the points made apply to all students, so it's definitely worth a look.

The PAD team  can offer tips and advice on how to read academic material; come and see them in Bedford Library at their drop-ins on Monday to Thursday afternoons (1-4pm) or Friday mornings (10am-1pm), or have a look at the helpsheets on the Study Hub Online BREO community (accessible from your BREO Gateway).

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Do you love reading? Tell us about it!

I've been hinting for a while about something coming up involving free books...well, we in Learning Resources are very excited to have been selected as an institutional giver for World Book Night on 23rd April, which means that we'll be handing out some free fiction books at Bedford and Luton that evening, as well as running a fiction book swap.

There'll be more information and promotion to follow, but in the meantime we are setting up a reading blog, where we want staff and students to share their thoughts on reading. Research has found that reading for pleasure can have massive benefits for health and wellbeing, such as improved mood and ability to cope with's getting to that time of year when deadlines are coming thick and fast, dissertations are due, and exams are looming, and we want to help you to look after yourselves and to stay healthy - reading can help!

So what I'm asking from you is whether you would be prepared to write a short review of a book you've read recently, or one you loved (a childhood favourite perhaps?), which you'd recommend to others. You can have your name attached to it or be anonymous, and we're only after short reviews - just a few hundred words. You can send them to me at .

Looking forward to reading your submissions...

Me, circa 199-something