I remember well from my student
days the pressure to be on top of everything; to be collecting skills and
knowledge which we could put on our CVs. It seemed like something new came up
every six months, and it was a battle against the physics of time to fit
everything in. I know it can be
difficult to know where to start and what to focus on. So today I want to
suggest to you an activity which can help you to develop and demonstrate skills
in various ways: blogging. Here are five reasons why I suggest you give it a
1. It can be quick and easy
You may well be thinking that you
don’t have time to set up and maintain a blog, but it doesn’t have to be onerous
on time or effort. There are several platforms which allow you to set up a blog
for free using nice and easy templates – Blogger.com is my personal favourite,
although many people like Wordpress.com too. And your blog posts don’t have to
be long and philosophical every time – just a few hundred words reflecting on
something you’ve read in the news or looked at for your assignment is enough.
2. It’s a great way to showcase your engagement with your subject area
We’ve all been there – you get
asked a question in a job interview and you know that you know the answer, but
it doesn’t quite come out right! It’s likely you’ll be asked about your
thoughts on challenges or developments in the area in which you’re seeking
employment, and getting into the habit of blogging your reflections on new
stories, developments, policies or issues will give you loads of specific
examples to offer of your current awareness and engagement with your subject
area. Plus you’ll be contributing to your area itself too in your blogging - sharing
your thoughts with the wider profession – which is another brilliant thing to
mention in job interviews. I am pretty sure my personal blog has helped me to
get the jobs I’ve had in Libraryland so far.
3. Blogging helps to develop your writing skills
It’s a cliché that practice makes
perfect, but when it comes to reading and writing, the more you do, the more
you will improve. Blogging is often reflective – thinking about an issue and offering
your thoughts on it – which will help you to develop those reflective writing
skills your tutors so often want to see. It’s generally believed in the
blogging world that readers lose interest after about 500-600 words in a post,
so this is an opportunity to practise writing clearly and concisely. You’ll
want to be checking your spelling and grammar too before publishing something
for the world to see, so you’ll improve in that area as well. Better writing =
better marks in assignments, of course!
4. You can practise being critical
At university you are expected to
not just read and digest information, but to think about it critically. This
can be daunting, and it can be hard to know where and when to start. Blogging
is an easy way to start doing this; for example, when a story appears on the
BBC News about a new study of physical activity levels amongst children, you
might look at the evidence used and write about how robust you believe it to
be, or compare it with a study that you know of which contradicts it. Critical
thinking is a vital skill not just for your studies, but for life, and your
blog can help you to develop it.
5. Blogging can open doors or attract opportunities
Some people actually make a
living from blogging. It’s not easy or common so you can’t rely on this as a
career path (though if you find yourself becoming passionate about your blog,
by all means do your research and give it a go!), but you may find that your
blog attracts attention sometimes, which can lead to opportunities or
networking. I have made some great contacts in the library world through
blogging about library-related things. I also run another, non-work related
blog, on a personal interest, which has blagged me some freebies and free event
invites! You’re becoming a part of the discourse around your subject area, even
if you only get a few post hits a week, and getting involved in this way could
lead to all sorts of things.
Blogstock is the world's only bloggers' festival, and it takes place in North London! |
A word of warning…
You know this already but I’m
going to reiterate it; remember that anything you put out there on the internet
stays out there. Be critical, be radical, be controversial even (as long as you
can back it up and you’re not just saying something inflammatory for the attention),
but don’t be an idiot. Used properly, your blog can be a great tool to get
involved with your subject area and to improve your employability. So what are
you waiting for…?
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